Nelson Hay's Blog

Some biographical information, as well as occasional columns, thoughts and poetry authored by Nelson E. Hay


MBA, HARVARD UNIVERSITY. BS-CHEMISTRY, CASE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Thirty years of management of non-profit and for-profit organizations, public policy analysis, speaking and Washington representation. Authored/edited hundreds of publications and six books. Served on dozens of boards and steering committees for non-profit and government environmental and energy organizations. Extensive experience working with national and multilateral institutions worldwide. A founding Advisor of the Climate Institute. Please see list of selected publications, bio and resume further down the blog. Past Chair of the Board of Deacons and past Co-Chair of the Board of Missions of the Venice (Florida) United Church of Christ. A past Director of the Venice Area Democratic Club, and a past Democratic Committeeman. Volunteers with the American Red Cross, Laurel Civic Association and Senior Friendship Centers.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


Here's a poem I wrote several years ago about the Salt Cay public cemetary.

A parched and glaring half acre,
on a hillside,
with a few weeds and no trees.
surrounded by a low stone wall,
and iron gates.
The spectre of a white heron in flight,
the only motion in the complete stillness.
Two or three recent graves—
whitewashed, cinder block vaults.
Only one of them has a marker.
Some dozens of older markers,
eroded grey limestone,
all unreadable—-telling no story.
The place appears mostly empty
with enough space for many more
to end the journey there.
Yet, wherever they dig new graves
the bones of earlier residents
are turned up.
The place is really very full.
Close examination shows a pattern—
a grave every few feet—
in all, at least a thousand interred there
in the past 400 years.
Slaves mostly,
but also masters.
Salt makers
and sailors,
and government functionaries.
Wives and children
and mistresses.
Yellow fever victims,
and drowning victims,
murder victims,
brutality victims,
and just life victims.
1000 souls in 400 years,
1000 bodies
baking in the tropical sun.

Copyright 2006 by Nelson E. Hay


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